If you are thinking about revealing that you have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, whether it’s to a family member, friend, or an acquaintance, you may be expecting a specific reaction. Maybe you’re expecting someone to share the burden with, or looking for someone who’ll listen and sympathize, or someone who will partner up with you and help you continue living a vibrant life.
Typically however, when you tell someone that you have cancer, assuming they have never been diagnosed, they won’t know how to respond.
They may go into a story about someone they knew with cancer, or tell you facts they know, or try to be helpful and share solutions that may not relate to your situation. Perhaps they mean what they say, but much of the time they are just trying to connect to your situation. Unable to project themselves into your shoes, they may end up saying inane things. READ THE FULL ARTICLE HERE > https://www.verywell.com/considerations-before-sharing-a-prostate-cancer-diagnosis-4129579